Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Spider Wonder

Strings of silver cobwebs hanging from floor,
Shiverings of fever rob hubs ranging from door,
every time knocked the mob with fear.

A lonely spider strolling on web,
A lamely spider drooling on ebb,
Finally landed in a pensive stub.

Sand grains of wonder,
Bland refrains of blunder were thy staple of spider!
Hand brains of ponder,
Land remains of thunder were thy grapple of spider!

Maid in braid with nasty dusty broom stick,
Laid in raid with hasty rusty groom trick thrashed my web in heaven!

Thump Thud, Thump thud!
I sank on a bird’s nest and grasped for breath.
I dank on a bird’s rest and gasped for wreath.
Opened thine eyes in dread and surprised with glance of baby birds cheers at me!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Witch Craft's Doom Spells-Egg Shell painting

Witch craft's doom spells!- Egg Shell Painting...It's said that LIZARDS would vanish from your home if one sports egg shells, instead of sporting it bare one can try out painting on the shell and can make it a decorative piece...Hence it serves three purposes..DECORATIVE, GREEN PROPAGATIVE & Lizards MITIGATIVE!!!

Guitarist made of Aluminium foil:)