Sunday, October 14, 2012

Flavours of soulmate's favours

Salt and spice tells me with your tasting of my love dish worths a ton!!!

Malt and rice spells me with your tasting of my love wish worths a billion!!!

Soupy and tangy flavours craves to fall in love with your taste buds!!!!

Soupy and dangly favours braves to sail in love with your haste thuds!!!

Noodles of wheat, and my oodles of heat cant withstand to dive with you...

Cradles of treat and my dangles of caring retreat can't withstand to jive with you...

Alas!!! As the hot spicy soupy noodles slide down my taste buds...I feel like you melting down like a cheese of love that  surrenders to the heat of my heart beat O' my Moon:-)

Mamma's Kid:-)

I hate the earth when it hurted my kid!!!

I hate the nature when it jolted my kid!!!

I hate the fire when it befuddled my kid !!!

And I hated the sun when it kindled my kid!!!!

I hate and hate you all, as your poise mannered attributes are bullying my kid rather than lullabying my kid:-(

I love you n love you all when my kid bedazzles you all with his radiant smile :-)