Oh Moon! thine Sun's rays lay at faze at ur arrival
Oh Moon! Thine sun's ways play at doze at ur carnival!!
Trinkets of sparkling stars pour their heart of creamy care for you!!!
Winglets of wriggling jubiliant stars roar their heart of greasy fondle for you!!
Dark knights wait for their princess maiden's meet at ur grace!!!
Bask knights await for their princess
Hayden greet at ur never ending efface of care!!!
You blow thine power of universe with ur radiance!!
You glow thine flower of hindrance with ur clairvoyance!!
Your poise is awe bound!!
Thine mute is love bound!!
Your rejoice is rare bond!!
Thine refute is craving lovely wound!!
You heal the boredom of thine stress with your bliss of glance!!
You zeal thine senses of distress with your bless of prance at night with honey blended doze to a kid!!!